Autism Speaks Housing and Support Services

image of young african american man with autism

In this article

If you’re ready to take the next step in the recovery process for you or your loved one, the compassionate team at Pasadena Villa is here to help.

Most can agree that moving can be very stressful, especially for adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Not only is the transition challenging for the individual but the family as well.  Finding the perfect housing and necessary services can be complicated, leaving families unsure where to start. Autism Speaks understands the journey can be overwhelming. Please visit The Housing and Residential Support section of the Autism Speaks website for a series of tools to guide you through the process of establishing residential services and support for your loved on with autism.

The purpose of The Housing and Residential Support sections is to:

• Help you search for housing options
• Keep you informed of promising developments and resources
• News in housing and residential supports

Make sure to download the FREE Autism Speaks Housing and Residential Support Tool Kit.  The tool kit was designed to assist individuals and families identify and secure appropriate residential supports and services.

Pasadena Villa’s Smoky Mountain Lodge is an adult intensive psychiatric residential treatment center for clients with serious mental illnesses. We also provide other individualized therapy programs, step-down residential programs, and less intensive mental health services, such as Community Residential Homes, Supportive Housing, Day Treatment Programs and Life Skills training.

If you or someone you know may need mental health services, please contact our admissions team.


Sources: – Housing tool kit – Housing and community living